Welcome to DACB’s client training programme.

This series brings together a wide range of sessions across different areas primarily aimed at the NHS.

If you are interested in attending any of these sessions, please tick the relevant boxes and submit your details.

This page will be updated regularly with new sessions being added on a rolling basis.

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NHS Health Law Booster Training Programme

Please note that upon registration for this form, DAC Beachcroft will process your data (which may include your personal data) in order to keep you informed about similar types of materials or topics which we believe you may be interested in. We will not process your personal data submitted as part of this registration for any other purpose. Although your personal data may be sent outside the UK/EEA and/or our third party suppliers, DAC Beachcroft will ensure that appropriate contractual, technical and operational security measures are in place. Please see DAC Beachcroft's Privacy Policy for further details.

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If you would like to find out more about any of the sessions please email or speak to one of our key contacts.